cisco.meraki.organizations_devices_overview_by_model_info module -- Information module for organizations _devices _overview _by _model
This module is part of the cisco.meraki collection (version 2.20.0).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.meraki
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.meraki.organizations_devices_overview_by_model_info
New in cisco.meraki 2.20.0
Get all organizations _devices _overview _by _model.
Lists the count for each device model.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
meraki >= 2.4.9
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
Additional headers. |
meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time (integer), action batch concurrency error retry wait time Default: :ansible-option-default:`60` |
meraki_api_key (string), API key generated in dashboard; can also be set as an environment variable MERAKI_DASHBOARD_API_KEY |
meraki_base_url (string), preceding all endpoint resources Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
meraki_be_geo_id (string), optional partner identifier for API usage tracking; can also be set as an environment variable BE_GEO_ID Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
meraki_certificate_path (string), path for TLS/SSL certificate verification if behind local proxy Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
meraki_inherit_logging_config (boolean), Inherits your own logger instance Choices: |
meraki_log_file_prefix (string), log file name appended with date and timestamp |
log_path (string), path to output log; by default, working directory of script if not specified Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
meraki_maximum_retries (integer), retry up to this many times when encountering 429s or other server-side errors Default: :ansible-option-default:`2` |
meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time (integer), Nginx 429 retry wait time Default: :ansible-option-default:`60` |
meraki_output_log (boolean), create an output log file? Choices: |
meraki_print_console (boolean), print logging output to console? Choices: |
meraki_requests_proxy (string), proxy server and port, if needed, for HTTPS Default: :ansible-option-default:`""` |
meraki_retry_4xx_error (boolean), retry if encountering other 4XX error (besides 429)? Choices: |
meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time (integer), other 4XX error retry wait time Default: :ansible-option-default:`60` |
meraki_simulate (boolean), simulate POST/PUT/DELETE calls to prevent changes? Choices: |
meraki_single_request_timeout (integer), maximum number of seconds for each API call Default: :ansible-option-default:`60` |
meraki_suppress_logging (boolean), disable all logging? you're on your own then! Choices: |
meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages (boolean), list* methods will return an iterator with each object instead of a complete list with all items Choices: |
meraki_wait_on_rate_limit (boolean), retry if 429 rate limit error encountered? Choices: |
Models query parameter. Optional parameter to filter devices by one or more models. All returned devices will have a model that is an exact match. |
NetworkIds query parameter. Optional parameter to filter devices by networkId. |
OrganizationId path parameter. Organization ID. |
ProductTypes query parameter. Optional parameter to filter device by device product types. This filter uses multiple exact matches. |
SDK Method used are organizations.Organizations.get_organization_devices_overview_by_model,
Paths used are get /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/overview/byModel,
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager from Cisco meraki SDK
The parameters starting with meraki_ are used by the Cisco meraki Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco Meraki documentation for organizations getOrganizationDevicesOverviewByModel
Complete reference of the getOrganizationDevicesOverviewByModel API.
- name: Get all organizations _devices _overview _by _model
meraki_api_key: "{{meraki_api_key}}"
meraki_base_url: "{{meraki_base_url}}"
meraki_single_request_timeout: "{{meraki_single_request_timeout}}"
meraki_certificate_path: "{{meraki_certificate_path}}"
meraki_requests_proxy: "{{meraki_requests_proxy}}"
meraki_wait_on_rate_limit: "{{meraki_wait_on_rate_limit}}"
meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time: "{{meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time}}"
meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time: "{{meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time}}"
meraki_retry_4xx_error: "{{meraki_retry_4xx_error}}"
meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time: "{{meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time}}"
meraki_maximum_retries: "{{meraki_maximum_retries}}"
meraki_output_log: "{{meraki_output_log}}"
meraki_log_file_prefix: "{{meraki_log_file_prefix}}"
meraki_log_path: "{{meraki_log_path}}"
meraki_print_console: "{{meraki_print_console}}"
meraki_suppress_logging: "{{meraki_suppress_logging}}"
meraki_simulate: "{{meraki_simulate}}"
meraki_be_geo_id: "{{meraki_be_geo_id}}"
meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages: "{{meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages}}"
meraki_inherit_logging_config: "{{meraki_inherit_logging_config}}"
models: []
networkIds: []
productTypes: []
organizationId: string
register: result
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Meraki Python SDK Returned: always Sample: :ansible-rv-sample-value:`"[\\n {\\n \\"model\\": \\"string\\",\\n \\"total\\": 0\\n }\\n]\\n"` |